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Top Quality Meats supplied

Wholesale & Retail at Competitive Prices

Our History


We are a third generation family run Meat business that have been trading for over 35 years. Founded by Walter H Bickley originally to supply fresh and cooked Chickens to Butchers, Chip shops and other establishments in the local area.


Now the business is run by Walters son, Chris P Bickley and in recent years the demand for a cooked Chicken has dropped but there has been a large increase in demand for fresh Chicken cuts and various other meat products, not just Poultry.


We now offer the full range of meats including Beef, Lamb, Pork, Turkey, Duck, Goose, Rabbit, Game and their associated products supplied Wholesale and Retail (Retail Price List).  Call for latest Wholesale Prices.


We supply High St Butchers, Farm Shops, Bakery's, Caterers and many Fast Food / Kebab House establishments across the North West, Shropshire and Wales, not forgetting of course we now have a retail shop Open to the Public offering up to 50% off supermarket prices!


Coronavirus OPENING TIMES:

Mon. - Fri.  6am to 3pm | Sat. & Sun. Closed

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Retail Shop open to the public.

Visit our shop, open to the public, fresh meat, fantastic value.

'Shop On-Line' Temporarily Closed.

Bicks Meat & Poultry Limited

31 Abenbury Way


LL13 9UZ


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Tel: 01978 661336

meat & poultry

Corona Virus/Covid-19  |  OPENING TIMES:  Mon. - Fri.  6am to 3pm  |  Sat. 9am to 2pm  |   Sun. Closed until further notice.


Please be aware the Bicks Meat & Poultry Ltd is part of Bicks Chicks Ltd.

All content copyright © Bicks Meat & Poultry Limited.   |   GDPR/Privacy   |    Terms & Conditions

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